Discover™ - Case of 12 aerosols

Item #125404-12

Discover™ - Case of 12 aerosols

Item #125404-12

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  • 医院级的消毒剂可以杀死肺结核和其他疾病
  • Sanitizes fabrics and other soft surfaces
  • 宜人的柑橘香味,有效除臭

Product Description

  • 发现(EPA注册号44446-67-70799)已证明对类似于SARS-CoV-2的病毒有效, non-porous surfaces. Therefore, Discover can be used against SARS-CoV-2 when used in accordance with the directions for use against adenovirus; Canine hepatitis virus on hard, non-porous surfaces. Please refer to the CDC at for more information.

    Discover™ Aerosol is an excellent disinfectant, 抗菌剂和双向除臭剂用于预清洁, hard, non-porous surfaces. State Discover留下了一股鲜榨橙子的清香. Discover is a virucidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal, bactericidal, Pseudomonacidal, 医院用葡萄球菌广谱消毒抗菌剂. 它可用于工业,机构,商业,医疗和住宅设施.

  • Bactericidal- Kills Escherichia coli (E-Coli), Pseudomanas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica (Salmonella), 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)等.
  • Virucidal against HIV-1 (AIDS virus), Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, Avian Influenza A virus (H5N1), 2009年H1N1甲型流感病毒(以前称为猪流感), and more.
  • 消毒布料、皮革、鞋子、垫子和设备.
  • 控制产生恶臭的微生物.

  • Bed springs and frames
  • Bedside and office furniture
  • Cabinets
  • Door knobs
  • Sinks and mirrors
  • Wheelchairs and walkers
  • Countertops
  • Office machinery
  • Light fixtures and switches
  • Telephones
  • Urinals
  • Chart racks and equipment
  • Supply, dressing and trash carts
  • Waste cans and laundry hampers

Directions for Use

一般:每次使用前摇匀容器,并在喷洒时保持直立. For use on precleaned, hard nonporous surfaces; not for use on humans or animals. 不适用于食品或相关产品的制备、加工或储存场所. 将食物或相关产品从治疗区域移除. 避免在产品会接触到可能存放食物的柜台或桌面的地方使用, prepared or processed. Do not use on waxed/polished surfaces, water-based “latex” paint, shellac, 纤维素(如人造丝)或其他对酒精敏感的材料.

要消毒坚硬、无孔的表面:按照上面的指示预先清洁表面. Hold container upright about 6-8” from surface. 喷洒到完全湿润的坚硬、无孔的表面. 处理后的表面必须保持湿润10分钟. Allow to air dry. 冲洗所有与食物接触的表面,如柜台, appliances, tables with potable water. Do not use on utensils, glassware, and dishes. 在联邦检查的肉类和家禽工厂使用前, 所有食品和包装材料在消毒前必须取出或小心保护.

消毒厕所和小便池:在消毒前清除脏物. Empty toilet bowl or urinal. Hold container upright about 6-8” from surface. 喷洒到完全湿润的坚硬、无孔的表面. Brush over exposed surfaces and under the rim. Allow to stand for 10 minutes, then flush.

To disinfect Veterinary offices, animal areas, 和动物实验室:将所有动物和饲料从场所移走, vehicles, cages, kennels, etc. Remove all litter, droppings, and manure from floors, walls, 以及被动物占据或穿越的设施表面. Empty all feeding and water appliances. 用肥皂或清洁剂彻底清洁所有表面,然后用水冲洗. Hold container upright about 6-8” from surface. 喷洒到完全湿润的坚硬、无孔的表面. 处理后的表面必须保持湿润10分钟. Allow to air dry. Immerse all halters, collars, 牵引带和其他用于控制和约束动物的设备,也包括叉子, shovels, 刮刀用来清除垃圾和粪便. 给建筑物、车辆和其他封闭空间通风. 在治疗被吸收、定型或干燥之前,不要饲养动物或使用设备. 用肥皂或洗涤剂彻底擦洗喂食和浇水设备, and rinse with potable water before reuse.

清洁/除臭:保持容器直立距离表面约6-8英寸. Spray surface and allow to air dry.

控制霉菌/霉菌和消毒多孔表面:抑制黑曲霉和青绿青霉真菌的生长,并控制织物和皮革表面等多孔表面上的金黄色葡萄球菌和肺炎克雷伯菌. Hold container upright about 6-8” from surface. Spray to thoroughly wet surfaces. Treated surfaces must remain wet for 5 minutes. Allow surfaces to air dry. 为了控制霉菌/霉菌,每7天重复施用一次,如果出现新的生长,则更频繁.

TO KILL HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency virus Type 1; AIDS virus) ON PRECLEANED SURFACES/OBJECTS in health care or other settings with inanimate environmental surfaces/objects associated with the potential for transmission of HIV-1 and likely to be soiled with blood/body fluids, 在被血液/体液污染的表面/物体上清洗和消毒HIV-1时,请遵循以下特别说明:个人防护-屏障防护物品,如一次性乳胶手套, gowns, masks, 处理被血液/体液污染的物品时,必须戴上眼罩. 清洁程序-在使用本产品作为消毒剂之前,必须彻底清洁表面/物体上的血液/体液. CONTACT TIME - 10 minutes. 感染性材料的处理-从表面/物体中取出或用于清洁表面/物体的血液/体液和其他材料必须经过高压灭菌并根据联邦法规进行处理, 州和地方有关传染性废物处理的规定.

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