


当你知道你面对的是老旧的管道, it can be a little daunting to select chemical drain treatment. 在一栋崭新的大楼里是一回事, 但随着设备的老化, it’s reasonable to worry that chemical 排泄护理 may do you more harm than good.

Here at State Chemical, we’ve been selling chemical drain openers and maintainers for decades. We understand that these products can be a little intimidating what with their grocery list of instructions and warnings, 尤其是当涉及到你的设施的健康时.

To give you peace of mind, we’ve written this overview of which products will hurt which drains. 在阅读, you’ll know what’s safe for your specific pipes so that you can determine your next step of treatment.

What Kinds of Pipes are Most at Risk for Chemical Damage?

在决定什么对你的管道安全之前, it’s important to understand what kinds of pipes are in danger of being damaged.


If your building was built before 1980, you’re likely to have corroded or rusted cast iron pipes. Especially if you’ve never used preventative drain maintenance, 铸铁管容易磨损. Where your pipes may have originally been four inches wide, there may now only be two inches of usable space due to corrosion.

This corrosion and/or rust buildup causes the pipes to swell, 有时, the rust spreads through the pipes so completely that the entire pipe becomes rust. 这取决于你的情况,但是 酸不是解决磨损管道的办法.


换句话说, plastic pipes are types that you’ll want to be careful with when selecting a drain chemical. 酸会腐蚀这些管道, 虽然有些产生热量的排水管开关是安全的, 其他的可以融化塑料管道.


Chemical drain openers are not intended to be used with drain hoses. If you use a chemical in a place with too much rubber or polyurethane, these materials will melt. 在处理排水软管时, 最好是探索非化学的选择.


So, if you need to be careful with these kinds of pipes, what specific chemicals will hurt them?

名单上最有害的化学物质是酸. Ordinary pipes shouldn’t be negatively affected by acid used in situations of need (assuming you aren’t repeatedly using acid in a short span of time), 但 when it comes to older pipes, plastic pipes, and drain hoses, acid should not be used.

If you use acid on a corroded or rusted cast iron pipe, 它会腐蚀的, 就像清理下水道一样. 然而,对于严重腐蚀的管道, this could expose a weak spot in your piping and blow a hole through it. You can imagine how a badly rusted pipe could be quickly worn down by such an intense chemical.

A similar effect will occur with plastic piping and drain hoses. In these cases, the pipes’ materials are too weak to hold the acid, and 酸会把它们腐蚀掉就像下水道里有塑料堵塞一样. The only real thing that acid won’t burn through is metal, 所以只能用在无腐蚀的金属管道上.


Most of the time, heat-generating chemicals are safe for drains if used as directed. 但是,它们不应该与排水软管一起使用. The heat these chemicals generate will melt rubber and polyurethane. Otherwise, heat-generating chemicals should be safe for the average drain if used as directed.


So, if your pipes fall under these risky categories, what are your remaining options? Depending on your issue, you should explore the following:


If you’re dealing with pipes at high risk of chemical damage, 检查一下手动排水管开启器是个好主意,就像 排水蛇 或者由水管工提供的服务. 如果管道被腐蚀, manually removing the corroded material may yield more effective results than chemicals, 这可能会造成更大的伤害. 类似的, 用塑料管和排水管, you can eliminate the risk of melting by simply using a manual opener rather than a chemical.

即使在那时, 手动开瓶器不能解决所有情况, 但如果你担心你的管道状况, it might be a good idea to try a manual opener before moving on to heavy-duty options.


如果你还想用液体, biological or bacterial drain maintainers could be another solid option. 由细菌组成, biological drain maintainers function by releasing bacteria that digests organic buildup into water and air. They pose no risk to pipe health and are even considered safer for the user since they cannot cause chemical burns or fumes.

重要的一点是 biological drain maintainers will not break down rust buildup or corrosion, 但 they can prevent organic buildup from further blocking pipes,包括腐蚀的管道. They are not a permanent solution if your pipes are already worn down, 但 if your pipes are simply the wrong material for intense chemicals, biologicals can be a great way to prevent clogs and other future issues.


If you’ve explored option after option and your pipes are just in such bad shape that they can’t handle the severe intervention they need, 也许是时候换掉你的管道了. There are a lot of methods you can try, 但 at a certain point, there’s nothing more you can do.

取决于问题的严重程度, you may be able to reline your pipes rather than fully replace them. This is an effective way to prevent continued corrosion and keep your pipes in functioning condition. 如果这不能发生, biting the bullet and replacing your pipes will be worth the headache once you have functioning drains again. 水管不会永远用下去, 所以如果没有什么可以做的了, 更换是你唯一的选择.

Summary: If You Have Weakened Pipes, Plastic Pipes, or 排水软管, Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Your concerns about harm to your pipes are valid given the many different risks depending on pipe type and chemical type. You now understand what risks there are to your pipes and which treatment option may be best for you. 从这里开始, your next step is to explore some of the best products to unclog your drain.